Montag, 16. März 2009

Gidday mates!

After this awesome weekend it's time for another post, I really was looking forward to writing it. However, the University Soccer team lost the game versus South Hobart 0:3. Without me, I'm still not allowed to play.
However, I was on a rafting-trip for the weekend. We left Hobart on Friday, 6pm and arrived at a small camping site at the Mersey river 6 hours later, after having dinner in a pizzeria, half the way up there.
Then there was the first challenge waitin', putting up a tent in the darkness, well not complete darkness since there was full moon. But for me it was a new tent, I bought in the morning, so I've never put it up before. I did a good job, and the tent was standin' upright, when I crawled in for sleep.
The next morning it was quite cold and rainy, but who cares? You'll get wet anyways when you wanna raft down a river. So at 10am we went off for our first trip, we did the same 6km a couple of times.
After two times and an upcoming thunderstorm, we were all feeling cold, so we stopped and had BBQ at the camping site, after that, what do you do when there's nothing else to do? Yap, get in the cars, drive upstream and raft downstream.
The sunday was even better, some of us had quite a hangover from the goon (australian slang word for cheap box wine) and the river was filled up with water (you remember, it was raining the day before). However, the sun was shining, and the water was wilder than the day before, still grade 3 but better. Rune and I, we had two great trips down the river in a small rafts, no one wanted to guide us, so we had to do it on our own and we were awesome ;)
Today the rain came back and I didn't check the forecast so far... But you can't trust the forecast any further than 2 minutes, the weather changes rapidly.
And the foto I'm providing shows a nice little rapid on the Picton river from last weeks raft (Grade 2)
Now I'm off and stuff myself with some chicken breast.
see ya!

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