Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009

Hello again!

Well, well, now it's may, the last month of uni. Actually in June there will be a lot of exams (3), but no lectures. I'm lookin' forward to that time.
However, unbelieveable how fast the time runs by, on Friday I can blow the half-time whistle, I reckon I'll have a 15mins break then.
Alright, you might be asking if I made it to the rafting trip, if I finished the report on time and what else is going on there?
Well, yes I could hand the report in, just at the right time (hopefully I also threw it into the right box) and I could go to that rafting trip.
We did the Blythe river, which means a long trip to the north of Tasmania. We stayed at the house of Josh (a rafting club guide and the one who organized this trip) at Burnie (check out a map to find out how north this city is) and had a couple of beers. The next morning we drove to the river, just 6 rafters and 2 kajakers.
It was fairly cold and rainy, probably you had to be a badass to go for the rafting-trip, that's why there was only the 6 of us.
But the river was great, the rain filled it, so it was possible to enjoy some grade 3 rapids and one grade 4!
Whilst rafting down the first half of the grade 4 rapid, I almost fell out, just my foot stayed inside the raft, held by a fellow paddler, I was hanging on the rope around the raft and my ass was surfing the rocks! Nice experience. However, the second boat flipped in the middle of the rapid. Unfortunately I don't have any fotos of this trip, because the weather was so bad.

On thursday I got a cold, once again, so I stayed in bed the whole friday... the whole friday? erm, no, when you've got a cold you should do something about it, so I bought handkerchiefs, peppermint infusion, some aspirin and a bottle of vodka for the evening. I was meeting with a friend to emty a bottle of vodka. She was actually really keen on getting drunk and during my last cold I figured out that vodka is a really good cure.
Prior to this, of course I found out that I must be allergic to aloe vera, since my lips were enormously swollen after using the new handkerchiefs. Funny, I was somehow looking like Earl (those of you watching the TV series My Name is Earl know what I'm talking about, those who don't: start to watch it, it's cool!).

Next day followed a nice trip to Mt. Field, yes I've been there before, but alone, so, hey it's not wrong visiting a nice place twice.
When we returned, we first got some McDonalds meal followed by a haircut. Well I got my hair cut. For some reason I had to prove that I don't talk shit, when I'm drunk and so it happened.
I'm really happy with that and find those who did this to me really did a good job.

Oh well, today I had another pharmacology test. I think it went well, or let's say not too bad. Now times are getting a bit stressful, for the next 2 weeks, since I've got to hand in 6 reports and then there's another test by the end of next week.

But now I'm looking forward to another geophysics field trip coming up this week-end. Somewhere in the north, this time probably no shearer's quarters but camping.

see you then!

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